Monday, February 10, 2020

Week of February 3, 2020

Thursday Folder Fliers:

Legend Wish Week Begins February 13th! 
We are SO excited to join the Legend Feeder community to raise funds for our Feeder "Wish Week"! This year, we will have 3 contests within our school to support the raising of funds for our Wish recipient: the grade level who raises  the most funds, the class that raises the most funds AND the student that raises the most funds. Winners of each contest will win:
Grade Level Winner: Popcorn Party
Class Winner: Pizza Party
Student Winner: Principal for 1/2 Day and Lunch

We will be tracking student donations to determine prize winners. Donations will be collected beginning February 13th and ending February 20th. Donations can be made by cash or check (made out to Legend High School with "Wish Week" in the Memo Section) and given to the office. 

We will also be selling Wish Week shirts for $20 - all funds will go to support our Wish Week recipient. Students who buy shirts will receive 10 free tickets to use at the Feeder School Festival on Feb 15 at Cimarron, as well as free entrance to the Escape Room Extravaganza on Feb 20th. Shirts can be bought with cash or check (made out to Legend High School with Wish Week in the Memo Line). 

Babysitting services will be provided on Valentine's Day from 5:00-9:30pm at Legend sponsored by our DECA.  There will be station rotations to include crafts, dinner, dance off, gym time, etc.  You will receive a flyer tomorrow to use for your families. Cost is $25 per kid for all 4.5 hours. Great fun and Great deal. Ages are Pre-school and up! 
The Feeder School Festival will be held at Cimarron Middle School on Sat Feb 15 from 4pm-6pm. This is a carnival-type atmosphere where kids can play games sponsored by clubs, activities, and athletics at Legend. Tickets are 2/$1 and can be purchased at the festival.  There will also be food and drink for purchase. Kids wearing Wish Week shirts will receive 10 free tickets!

Please help us in supporting our "Wish Week" recipient!  

Tallman Road:
Concerns have been shared regarding Tallman Road and the congestion. Tallman Road is governed by the Town of Parker, and thus, we have no control over that area. For those who are waiting to pick up in the line coming from the East and are turning right, you should be lining up in the marked area to turn into the school. For those who are coming from the West to turn left into the parking lot, you will need to wait until it is safe to do so. We understand that this is frustrating, but it is also dangerous to move into the lane for oncoming traffic in order to turn. 

We have met with the Town of Parker and DCSD several times to problem solve this situation. However, there is little that either side can do with the parameters and space available. We encourage those families who are parking and waiting for their students to do so in the gravel lot, parking lot, or Clubhouse parking lot (across the street). Thank you for your understanding and patience! 

News from the Art Room:
Congratulations to Ian Brinker; our February artist of the month, on his pattern mitten project.  Click here to check it out on our art department web page.

The Google Doodle contest is back and this year's theme is, "I show kindness by..."  Third through fifth grade students are creating their own Google Doodle for the contest and have a chance to win a $5,000 or $30,000 college scholarship, a trip to Google headquarters in California, and their artwork put up on the Google home page for a day.  They could also win a $50,000 technology package for Iron Horse.  Here's the link for more information.

Butter Braid Sales:
Our 5th grade team is selling Butter Braids!  5th grade students are selling them to offset their personal costs for Outdoor Ed. Any additional Butter Braids sold will go towards scholarships for students that are unable to afford to attend. If you would like to purchase Butter Braids to support this cause, please see the office staff. Butter Braids will be sold from February 6th through February 21st. 

Upcoming Important Dates:
FEBRUARY 10, 12, 13: CogAT Testing - 2nd Grade Only 9:00-11:00am
FEBRUARY 11: SAC Meeting 3:45-4:45pm in the Junction
FEBRUARY 12: PTO Meeting 3:45-4:45pm in the Junction
FEBRUARY 13: Sweetheart Dance 6:00-7:30pm in the Gym
FEBRUARY 13-21: Legend Feeder Wish Week
FEBRUARY 14: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Work Day
FEBRUARY 17: NO SCHOOL - President's Day
FEBRUARY 26: AUTHOR VISIT - Lindsay Lackey - Grades 4/5
MARCH 2-6: BOOK FAIR in the Junction
MARCH 10: SPRING PARENT CONFERENCES (common night) 4:00-7:00pm
MARCH 12: SPRING PARENT CONFERENCES (common night) 4:00-7:00pm