Thursday, December 17, 2020

Week of December 14, 2020

Friday Fliers:

Family Care Connection Project

We wish you a wonderful and relaxing holiday break with your loved ones! The IHE Staff will see you on January 5th! 




Register for our FREE early learning series: Supporting Young Children and Families in a Pandemic 




Let's shine a light on the important work of early learning providers during an extraordinary time in our world. We will discuss how to identify red flags, build resilience, and seek support despite the limitations this pandemic has created. Concrete resources and activities will be provided during these interactive virtual trainings.


January 12, 2021, 6-7:30

Young Children and Families in a Pandemic-What do we know and what can we do?

Living in a Pandemic has impacted every person in our local community and abroad. How has limited social contact, mask wearing, and separation impacted young children and families? We will explore concerns to look for and unexpected benefits of experiencing the pandemic. Learn how providers can help themselves while supporting the littlest learners.


February 9, 2021, 6-7:30

Social Emotional Development-Looking for Red Flags and Supporting Growth

What is social-emotional development and why is it important? How can we support children returning to early childhood programs in the midst of a pandemic? This workshop will help providers recognize social emotional concerns in young children, create activities to help this growth, and consider community support resources. This interactive training is designed to give you practical information you can use.


March 9, 2021, 6-7:30

Building Resilience in Young Children

Resilience describes the handling of stress, trauma, and adversity. We all experience varying levels of challenges in our lives and the way we bounce back from them demonstrates how resilient we can be. We will explore why resilience is important, activities that promote resilience, and how caregivers can build their own capacity for resilience during difficult times.


Click here to register for our event

Click here learn more about this early learning series


Upcoming Events: 
Dec 18-Jan 4: NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
Dec 19: Elementary Progress Reports Open for Parents to Review