Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Week of December 17, 2018

Thursday Folder Flyers:
The Iron Horse Staff wishes you a wonderful holiday break filled with special times enjoying family and friends. We will see you on January 7th to begin our second semester! 

Spelling Bee:
We are proud to announce that Sawyer Joyce, 5th grader, is our spelling bee winner! He will be representing our school at the district spelling bee. Our runner up is Abigail Novak, 4th grader. She will represent our school in the event that Sawyer cannot attend. Congratulations to all of our wonderful spellers! 

Elementary Progress Reports for 1st Semester:
Elementary Progress Reports (EPRs) for 1st semester will be available on December 22nd at 8:00am. Students will receive in overall grade in each content area based upon their achievement and growth towards Marzano's Critical Concepts (in Reading, Writing, and Math) and the Colorado Academic Standards (in Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, and PE). Students will also receive grades on our behavior expectations. To access your student's EPR, please use the following steps:

· Click on the Parent Resources Tab

· Select Parent Portal and use your credentials to log in.

· Click "View Elementary Progress Report" under your child's picture
From there, you can access your student's progress report for this semester. 

New Safety Measure at Iron Horse:
Douglas County School District (DCSD) recently rolled out the Raptor Visitor Management system at our school. This system is used by many schools throughout the district and state, and will give us an additional layer of safety for our students. We are committed to protecting everyone at Iron Horse and this system helps support this commitment.

Here is how the system and our process will work:
  • Everyone who is visiting classrooms, joining kids for lunch, or attending a meeting or an event will have their ID/driver’s license scanned. The ONLY database that the Raptor system checks IDs against is the sexual predator database. This system does NOT check any other databases.
  • All DCSD schools will be using this same system very soon. Once you have scanned your ID at any school location, you will be saved in the system. Therefore, if you forget your ID in your car, DCSD schools that are utilizing Raptor will be able to look you up by your name.
  • All guests will be given a sticker to wear while they are in our school that is printed by this system. This sticker will have your name, the photo from your ID, and the date and time. For our frequent guests, we will try to save printing costs by placing your Raptor ID in a protective badge sleeve so you can reuse the sticker throughout the year.
  • Each new school year (in August) we will rescan all IDs for the current school year

This system will be in place beginning Monday, January 7, 2019. Please remember to bring your ID with you so we can scan it and get you logged into our system. If you have any questions, please reach out to me and I’ll work to find an answer for you. Thank you for your partnership in keeping our students and staff safe!

News from the Art Room:  
Hello everyone!  I wanted to let you know that late orders for Original Works are expected to arrive sometime in mid-January.  While this doesn't work for the upcoming holidays, items make great gifts throughout the year.  We've got Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and possibly some birthday's on the way.  Thank you for all of your support, and have a happy & safe holiday season!

Upcoming Events:
December 21 - January 6: NO SCHOOL - Winter Break

January 7: Welcome Back!
January 16: PTO Meeting 3:45-4:45pm, SAC Meeting 5:00-6:00pm
January 18: NO School - Teacher Training Day
January 21: NO School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 23: McTeacher Night at McDonalds - 4:00-7:00pm (Mainstreet Location)
January 29/30: Family Art Nights 5:00-7:00pm