Friday, January 15, 2021

Week of January 11, 2021

 Friday Flyers:

Meal Bag Information

Read-a-Thon Flyer

Masks and Students:
As a reminder, students are required to wear masks on school grounds at all times. This includes when students are exiting their vehicles, waiting for car line pick ups, and walking to areas that are deemed off campus (trailhead and sidewalk along gravel lot, sidewalk along Hilltop). Please have your child put on their mask before leaving the car in the morning. Our teachers are also reminding students as they leave for the day. 

We are also seeing a lot of students wearing gaiters. We have noticed that these tend to not stay up on their noses, thus creating a safety issue. We encourage all of our students to wear well-fitting masks that cover the nose and do not slip for the safety of our staff and other students. With everyone's help, we can continue to stay in school! 

Apple Award Nominees:
We are so excited to share our 2021 Apple Award Nominees, Mrs. Stephanie Dale and Mrs. Molly Parker! These ladies are so deserving and we are so proud of them! 


We are excited to begin our Read-a-Thon very soon! This is our largest fundraiser of the year and all funds earned will be used to support the purchase of materials for experiments for our science curriculum, STEMScopes. Students will engage in a virtual assembly next Friday in their classroom and more information will be coming home soon! 

Spelling Bee:
We will be holding our annual spelling bee on January 22nd. Students will complete the Bee in cohorts by class, maintaining a 6 foot distance, in the cafeteria. Unfortunately, due to the continued health guidelines, as well as Bee guidelines, we are unable to have an audience (virtually or in-person). We will share the results with the community as soon as possible on the 22nd. 

Chipotle Night for IHE:
Please join us at Chipotle on January 27 for dinner and raise funds for IHE at the same time! Please mention Iron Horse when you order and we will receive a percentage of the night's profits. 

PTO Newsletter: 
As a reminder, when you click on any of the links within the PTO Newsletter each month (even if you're not interested), IHE receives a small monetary amount that is given to us twice per year. This is an easy way to support our school!

Parent Opportunity:

Dr. Susan’s Coaching is providing her very first FREE Parent Workshop! REGISTER USING THIS LINK 

How to Help Kids Get Stuff Done!

January 14, 2021

6:30 - 8 PM MST (Mountain)

5:30 - 7 PST (Pacific) or 8:30 - 10 EST (Eastern)


January 25, 2021

5 - 6:30 PM MST (Mountain)

4 - 5:30 PST (Pacific) and 7- 8:30 EST (Eastern)

No Place for Hate:

IHE is proud to be joining schools across the nation in the Anti-Defamation Leagues (ADL) campaign to promote respect for individual and group differences and to prevent bullying and prejudice. As part of this campaign, our school is working to create a group which includes staff members, parents, and students in grades 3 and 4 who will work together for the remainder of the year to create activities for the school that will promote kindness, respect, and acceptance for all people. If you are interested in joining as a parent or community member, please contact Alejandra Chavez-Stuart at or Carly Wise at

6th Grade Cimarron Registration Information:

Please see this link for registration information if you are a 5th grade parent.

Upcoming Events: 
Jan 18: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Jan 22: Read-a-Thon Virtual Assembly
Jan 25: Read-a-Thon Begins
Jan 27: Chipotle Restaurant Night for IHE
Jan 29: Read-a-Thon Ends
Feb 9: Freddy's Restaurant Night for IHE
Feb 10: PTO Meeting - 3:45-4:45pm (virtual link on the school website)
Feb 12: NO SCHOOL - Professional Development Day
Feb 15: NO SCHOOL - President's Day
Feb 16: SAC Meeting - 3:45-4:45pm (virtual link on the school website)