Friday Flyers:
Spirit Wear:
Here is the link for the Spirit Wear site: https://my.cheddarup.
The spirit wear website will remain open until November 6th. Delivery of items will occur 2-3 weeks after the order window closes.
Arrival and Dismissal:
Students will continue to enter at designated doors in the morning. Please see below. Arrival to school begins at 8:18am and the tardy bell rings at 8:35am. Students should not arrive or leave their cars until this time so that there is not congregation around the building entrances. Older siblings can enter a younger siblings door in order to walk them to their hallway. Breakfast will continue to be served for free until 8:45am.
When dropping students off, please have your child ready to go so they can exit the car quickly. If you need to say a long goodbye, get items ready and organized, talk to your student, or anything else, we ask that you park and walk your child to the sidewalk. Our car line is designed for those who can quickly drop off their students in order to get everyone into the building quickly.
Due to the number of students that we will be dismissing and the need to socially distance adults as much as feasible, we will now allow parent park and pick up. Parents may only park in the paved lot (the gravel lot will be closed and only used for staff). Parents who would like to park and pick up their child are asked not to arrive until 3:25 and to meet your child near the trailhead (see below). This allows us to get our car line moving quickly before park and pick up begins. Please note that our paved lot houses approximately 60 spaces and may be full upon entry. Please do not use handicapped spaces unless you have a valid placard or license plate.
We will continue to use PikMyKid for car line pick up. You will need to continue to "announce" your arrival at the stop sign at the end of the gravel lot. Car line will move along the sidewalk as noted below (arrows).
Dismissal times have also changed to facilitate a smooth exit. Please see the changes below:
Car riders will be dismissed beginning at 3:15pm
Bus riders will be dismissed at 3:22pm
Walkers and Parent Park and Pick up will be dismissed at 3:30pm.
Masks on Campus:
Please be respectful of our community and wear a mask when you are on school grounds, as they are REQUIRED. Signs will be posted soon to help alert you to the areas where masks are required. Masks should be worn around students and staff at all times in order to maintain safety.
Please ensure that students are arriving to school with masks, We have many students arrive without masks, which puts others at risk. Students should wear their masks as soon as they exit their vehicle or walk on school property.
Learning Preference Survey Opening Today:
Beginning today, parents/guardians can choose their learning preference for their child(ren) for the second semester. You will receive an email from the district with this information.
You may choose from eLearning or 5 Full days/Hybrid In-Person Learning (this will be dependent upon the district dashboard and COVID-19 cases) for the second semester. The decision that you make as a family is binding and will remain in effect for the remainder of the school year.
The window for the survey is October 23rd until November 1st. The survey closes on November 1st at 11:59pm. It is imperative that if you would like a change in learning preferences, you must complete this survey. Failure to complete the survey will result in your child remaining in their current learning placement.
Meal Bag Pick Up:
Starting today, Friday, Oct, 23rd, Nutrition Services will no longer offer pickups at Iron Horse. Pickups will be at all Middle and High Schools on Fridays from 1:00-2:30pm. The nearest pick up for Iron Horse families is at Cimarron Middle School or Legend High School. Nutrition services will offer 2-day meal bags for all full, in-person learners and 5-day meal bags for all other kids 18 and under. Nutrition services will offer these meals through the end of the school year.
Book Fair:
Our book fair will begin November 2nd. More information will be coming soon!