Friday Flyers:
DCSD Nutrition Services Positions
Return to 5 Full Days - PLEASE READ!
As you may know, we are planning to return to 5 full days of learning on October 19th. With that return, we do need to make some adjustments to our procedures within and surrounding our building.
Students will continue to enter at designated doors in the morning. Please see below. Arrival to school begins at 8:18am and the tardy bell rings at 8:35am. Students should not arrive or leave their cars until this time so that there is not congregation around the building entrances. Older siblings can enter a younger siblings door in order to walk them to their hallway.
If you need to exit your car or need extra time to support your student FOR ANY REASON (unbuckling, getting supplies, etc.), we ask you to park and walk your student to the sidewalk. We DO NOT ALLOW parents to get out of their vehicles in the drop off or pick up lane. Our staff will remind you of this if you choose to not follow this rule. We have this in place so that our line will move quickly and honor other families who need to get to another place in a timely manner.
Breakfast will continue to be served for free until 8:45am.
Masks are required for all students, staff, and adults/parents/guardians while on school grounds. Students may remove their masks when seated at the cafeteria table and while at recess. Adults/parents/guardians must wear masks on school grounds. School grounds are defined as inside the building, the playground areas, and the sidewalks surrounding the building. Please be respectful of this rule as it is in place for the safety of our staff, students, and other families - if you are not wearing a mask, we will ask you to move to another area off of school grounds.
Social distancing will be maintained as much as possible, and class cohorts will continue. Students will be utilizing double desks (sitting next to one another) and our full cafeteria tables (8 to a table). In the cafeteria, classes will sit at assigned tables by class cohorts. Students will continue to have assigned classroom playground areas and utilize class-assigned equipment bags. Students will continue to utilize their own supplies.
The biggest changes will be to our dismissal procedures. Due to the number of students that we will be dismissing and the need to socially distance adults as much as feasible, we will now allow parent park and pick up. Parents may only park in the paved lot (the gravel lot will be closed and only used for staff). Parents who would like to park and pick up their child are asked not to arrive until 3:25 and to meet your child near the trailhead (see below). This allows us to get our car line moving quickly before park and pick up begins. Please note that our paved lot houses approximately 60 spaces and may be full upon entry. Please do not use handicapped spaces unless you have a valid placard or license plate.
If you need to get out of your car for ANY REASON, please park and meet your child. We DO NOT ALLOW parents to exit their vehicles during pick up in order to expedite our line and get all families home quickly.
We will continue to use PikMyKid for car line pick up. You will need to continue to "announce" your arrival at the stop sign at the end of the gravel lot. Car line will move along the sidewalk as noted below (arrows).
Dismissal times have also changed to facilitate a smooth exit. Please see the changes below:
Car riders will be dismissed beginning at 3:15pm
Bus riders will be dismissed at 3:22pm
Walkers and Parent Park and Pick up will be dismissed at 3:30pm. (Parent pick up is the same as Walkers in PikMyKid - please make sure to make this change before October 19th at 3:00pm if you will be choosing this option)
Book Fair:
We will be holding a safe Book Fair from November 2nd to November 9th. We will share more information as soon as we have it.
Counselor's Chronicle:
Here is the October Chronicle.
Vision and Hearing Screening:
We will be holding Vision and Hearing screenings on October 19th. Students will be screened within their class cohorts. Please see the letters above for more information.
Express Check In:
If you have not completed express check in and paid your student's fees, please do so as soon as possible. This step is crucial to ensure that we have the correct contact information for parents/guardians and emergency contacts.
Picture Re-Takes:
Picture re-takes will occur on October 26th.